Creating a growth management plan takes time. A well-planned document can only be achieved through a deliberate and organized process that balances data and community input to create a plan made for the people it represents. This process with conclude with adoption in Fall 2024 and will progress through the following phases:

  1. Phase 1 | ENVISION—developing our baseline conditions as well as the vision and planning principles (Aug 2023–Feb 2024)
  2. Phase 2 | PLAN—exploring scenarios for growth and developing our future land use strategy and policy framework (Feb-Aug 2024)
  3. Phase 3 | FINALIZE—creating and adopting the comprehensive plan (Aug-Fall 2024)

We believe residents, business owners, and other stakeholders are invaluable to the Horizon 2045 process. These stakeholders will join local staff and elected officials in creating a community vision, exploring alternative futures, and selecting a preferred path forward. The objectives of community engagement are to:

  • Educate and Empower
  • Allow Participation and Collaboration
  • Monitor and Communicate

There are various ways the community can get involved:

  • Attend the community workshops
  • Take the online survey
  • Join our mailing list to receive updates
  • Take part in the digital engagement activities—and check back often to keep engaging in new ways
  • Join in on the pop-up events

In addition, we also intend to engage a variety of interests and perspectives through the Advisory Committee meetings and stakeholder meetings.

The key outcome of the plan will be the Future Land Use Map, which will guide future growth and development in Johnson City. A series of framework elements will be created to support the land use strategies. These framework elements will touch on topics like:

  • Transportation and Mobility
  • Economic Development
  • Housing
  • Infrastructure and Public Services
  • Schools
  • Recreation and Trails
  • Natural Resources and Environmental
  • Historic and Cultural Resources

The Horizon 2045 process is organized into three phases—Envision, Plan, Finalize. These phases blend technical tasks, effective engagement, and tailored deliverables that will culminate in a new Growth Management Plan to guide Johnson City for the next 15 years and beyond. Horizon 2045 will be used as the framework to guide decision-making related to a variety of important topics, such as development, investments in infrastructure, zoning, and preservation of community character.

The Zoning Code of the City of Johnson City was adopted on October 1, 2020. A typical outcome of a growth management planning process like Horizon 2045 would be to take a fresh look at the zoning ordinance and assess the need to update.