Thank you to everyone who reviewed the draft FLUM!

Keep a lookout for a summary of the feedback. For now, check out the Document Library to review other deliverables developed as part of this process.

Horizon 2045, the City's growth management plan, will be used as our framework over the next 20+ years to guide decisions related to important topics such as development, investments in infrastructure, zoning, and preservation of community character. The planning process is underway and designed to:

  • Explore how the City wants to grow;
  • Align a vision for growth with goals for economic development, housing, quality of life, and more;
  • Develop a future land use strategy and supportive policies; and
  • Create an implementation guide for the City’s near- and long-term decision-making and investment.

Why "Horizon 2045?"

This plan is named “Horizon 2045” because it will outline the goals we hope to achieve over the next 25+ years. Exploring the possibilities before us, the Horizon 2045 plan will align a new land use strategy with broader community initiatives such as a healthy economy, fiscal responsibility, housing affordability, sense of place, and quality of life. The plan also will review, update, and consolidate previous planning efforts undertaken by the City. Development of this plan uses the vision of our community and the expertise of its stakeholders to help ensure that Johnson City grows in a way that is manageable and desirable for all.

Featured Horizon 2045 Document

Visit the Documents page for more things to read.